Plan for the Summer

What to look forward to from BrainScriblr

Summer Editions - Heads Up!

Hope your long weekend went as well as you had hoped. Maybe your work week is slow until next week when things kick off again.

Writing this newsletter has been a genuine source of learning and growing for me, I believe it is for you as well. My plans for BrainScrilbr this summer are starting to take shape, and I want to share a few things with you.

As it stands there are 13 weeks between the beginning of June and early September. In that time I have the opportunity to write 26 posts that being twice per week. Currently, I am working on a schedule and list of those topics which will include more work on prompting design. The content will also include current topics in research to give you depth of understanding and practical guidance on how to use AI in your projects and workplace environment.

I will further stay clear of hot-topic gossip. That is the kind of content that was widely produced following Sam Altman’s temporary departure from OpenAI. I also plan to avoid the click-bait hot-topic trendy moods of the AI sector to focus my content writing on news that is of value, not speculation. To further give actionable guidance on things we know, again not speculation. I also plan the content to be educational to give you lasting value from reading this newsletter.

I appreciate you being here and reading this far. And I appreciate your continued support.

One other thing is you will find some advertisements from time to time in this newsletter. I had hoped to not do that but the reality is I do find companies and products that can be of value to you in your business. Just a click on those links whether you buy or not does help support my work.


Newsletter Recommendations

Here are a couple of newsletters I think you may find helpful.

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